Yesterday i saw the handkerchief..full of the weather is not that hot..if so i can understand why the handkerchief is dirty with blood stain..maybe his nose is bleeding .Last night i heard his coughing when i was all ready to end my day.Its very sad you know,not knowing what to do ..can i bring him a glass of warm water, or a glass of his favourite tea, or just standing by..just to let him know that i care.
I inform my eldest about this ..but what can she do as she does not posess the magic carpet like alladin nor does she posess the power to fly like near and yet so far apart .
What to do laaa..we're some funny couple ..weird things have creep into our live..can you believe a husband trusts his brother's and sister's words more than his wife ...or where a grandmother and a grandfather trying to break up their cucu's marriageeeee......what a funny world we live must be a mad mad mad world these people live in.
Today the teachers at my school did some spot checking on the students..the whole school was at dataran usual the bounty was meriah..compact powders ..handsets of various shapes and sizes and harga.. lingerie/underwares/clothes..perfume.and macam macam adaaa....
Must pen off now.I must start my engine to arrive on time for my taklimat at ppd this evening .
Bye children . study smart ..see you when i feel like it ..hahaha ..dont be naughty
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