Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Berhati-hati di jalanraya

  Salaam children of heaven , i have been warned by the authority that my  driving licence boleh ditarik balik because he said it is lesen terbang..hahaha....indeed...i have been driving on the road since pater went for futher studies in you know where laaa...so for the time being i will drive as pemandu haram..what can i do..i like  my car and i love my passangers even more than i love my car...i can buy another car or i can just dump the car whenever i feel like doing it ..but there is one passanger who begged me not to dump the current car.. maybe this passenger likes the old car or maybe he has sentimental value regarding the old car..whatever his needs is i promised him that i will tell him before i do anything with it..


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  3. hahahahahaha..nak jadi pendakwah macam mana kalau macam ni..nak jadi penasihat kita kena tahan dengar kata2 orang kalau tidak payahlah kita nak tolong orang ..nabi pun teruk kena kata kena ancam bunuh dan macam2 lagi perbuatan khianat orang2 kafir mekah..ni baru kena sikit dah nak marah2..tak boleh macam ni..seorang pendakwah ke penasihat ke kena kawal emosi perasaan kita..ibarat orang nak tenggelam, kita kena bertenang baru kita boleh tolong orang yg nak tenggelam tu..kalu kita hulur tangan mungkin orang tu tak nampak sebab air hitam jadi mana dia nampak tangan yg kita hulur,kan. kita kata dia tak mahu bantuan kita padahal dia tak nampak tangan kita sebab air hitam..

  4. dear blog walker ,i cannot enter our blog using the password you gave me..is somebody trying to musnah our blog

  5. lol,never mind.we can always make the new one
