Saturday, April 30, 2011

The feeling of one warga emas

   Salaam children of heaven ,

  Today okasaan feels a bit sad laa ..don't know why ...since last night okasaan's heart felt like that..okasaan kept remembering the two hafizs especially abang..he is very soft hearted very kind and very kind hearted and everything kind laaa..not like ayi ,his younger brother ..a bit brutal abang everybody is kind ,no evil feeling can stay in abang's heart ..okasaan just wondering what is going to happen to abang in ten years time ,twenty years time ...when okasaan is not around anymore ...okasaan knows Allah is there ..but ..the feeling keeps coming you know..sometimes okasaan cannot sleep at night ..just thinking of them two ...the two hafizs difficult to be a mother ..

  Dear children , when okasaan told abang that okasaan is going on pilgrimage at the end of this year ,the first thing he said  was ..pater is going to eat ikan kering ..meaning pater is going to suffer one to look after his meals ...hahahahahaha....

  Yesterday okasaan read an article about jahannam ..the hell of jahannam ..or the hell jahannam...the article or rather the author said hell has seven doors ..every door is one above the other door is lower than the other and so is the azab ..okasaan is very lazy to find the word in english you know why seven doors ..he said because mankind is trown into hell because of his seven pancaindera..eyes,ears,nose,skin,emotion,tounge and sexual drives/sexual dear children ..please watchout what we do with our pancaindera ..if we can close the seven doors ...the doors of the hell..

  Dear children of heaven, make this doa as your everyday doa..

Ya Rabb ,rahmatMu sentiasa kami harapkan,kerana itu janganlah Engkau serahkan urusanku kepada diriku sendiri meskipun sekelip mata ,perbaikilah urusanku , tiada tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Engkau....amiinnn..

okasaan hopes we can perform umrah together in the near future..
masjid nabawi at madinah

  Hope to see you soon but don't know when ....
  Read your quran everyday please , solat as soon as the azan ends and dress properly a good muslimah ..adios ..

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